Why You Should Skip the Gym Subscription, Not the Workout
13th October 2021
Let’s face it - we’re all guilty of buying an expensive gym membership only to find any excuse not to go. Before you realise it, you’ve spent a small fortune on a membership that you’ve never even used and take a different way home from work so you don’t have to walk by the gym door in shame. No matter how good your intentions are, spending a lot of money at a fancy gym is probably not going to motivate you through that door. That’s why it’s time for a different approach - one that is going to save your waistline and your pride at the same time.
Everywhere is a home gym
The easiest way to save on money is to stay home and sweat, and for many, it’s the more comfortable option too. There are millions of workout videos on YouTube so the key is to take your time and find the ones that you enjoy. That may be musical-themed dance workouts, yoga or kickboxing HIIT. Use the time you save commuting to the gym to research a professional coach or YouTube channel online that will work for your fitness level. If you find someone that you like on YouTube, they will often offer additional videos for a small price. Unlike a gym membership, the money used to buy a couple of videos that you know you are going to go back to from time to time is an investment
There are so many other ways to make your home a gym without spending tons. Look out for good fitness apps that help you record and track your progress. Yoga is a popular option that is easy to do at home and low impact if you suffer from injuries. Elastic bands and bodyweight exercises are classics and require minimal equipment. If you are still thinking about that expensive gym membership with an amazing sauna, make it a reward for working out consistently at home for 6 months.
Get social and moving
At a gym, the personal trainers may tease you for talking more than you work out, but outside, you’re free to chat to your heart’s content - or until you run out of breath. One of the benefits of the gym is the social aspect. So why not find a friend (or even two) that is at a similar fitness level and make getting fit fun and friendly. Ask around or look online at group forums in your community if you don’t know anyone that wants to get into shape. Working out with a friend will help keep you motivated and accountable. It’s harder to skip out on a workout when you have committed to a friend at a certain time and place. Do you normally meet a friend for lunch or after work for drinks? Suggesting a walk instead is a great way to do something active and still spend precious time with someone close to you.

Journal your wins
One of the best ways to stay motivated when you don’t have a fitness coach to push you is to journal. Write your goals down, whether that be weight loss, distance run, weight lifted or how many pushups you can do. It’s rewarding to see your progress written down so you may also consider making a fitness calendar on a whiteboard or large poster paper and placing it somewhere you are guaranteed to see it every day. How about on the ceiling above your bed so it’s the first thing you see when you wake up? No? That might be a bit extreme and keep you up at night. The fridge is a good option.
It’s all about the journey
Switching up how you get everywhere from cars and public transport to bike or foot is an excellent way to stay fit. It will also help you save money in more than one way. Not only do you skip the gym membership, but you can also often save on daily commutes, Ubers, or taxis. Getting around on a bike has never been easier. There are more cycle lanes than ever, making cycling more convenient than ever.
Run and swim
Running and swimming are two excellent ways to burn calories without burning a hole in your pocket. Running can be a challenge when the weather turns sour, but swimming in public swimming pools is an excellent alternative. Swimming is a full-body exercise that is easy on the joints. Yes, you normally have to pay for access to a swimming pool, but they are typically considerably cheaper than a gym and not a rolling membership.

Before wasting money unnecessarily, break some bad habits and create a routine for yourself that helps your mind and body (and financially too). Everything is connected. Taking care of your diet, your mental wellbeing and your financial wellbeing will uplift the quality of your life and lay the foundation for greater future success. Don’t let the cost of a gym membership be the excuse that holds you back. Reevaluate your routine from time to time. What’s working? What isn’t? Adjust accordingly, and most importantly, have fun.