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Money worries

People’s circumstances don’t always stay the same and for some, a change in circumstances, could leave them struggling. When this happens, we’re here to support you.

We're here to help

We recognise that there will be times where customers will need help with making their payments and we’re here to help. From problems with your health to significant life events like a bereavement or a relationship breakdown all these kinds of things can create challenges when it comes to your financial situation. Our role as a lender in these circumstances is to support you in whatever way we can. It may be, if we can’t help you directly, that we put you in touch with someone else who can as we work with a range of specialist external companies.

Considering and caring about our customers is a key part of who we are and our approach to working in partnership with our customers. To help, we’ve created a range of tools, which you can find in your online account, to help you manage if you find you’re struggling to meet your contractual payments.

Are you currently experiencing Money Worries?

We’ve created a range of tools, which you can find in your online account, to help you manage if you find you’re struggling to meet your contractual payments.

Login to your online account where you’ll see your options and where you’ll find the tools to help you manage your repayments and make any adjustments you need to.

Login to your online account

Talk to us

Our Customer Services team are specially trained to help, whatever your situation. So, we’ve created a number of ways that you can speak with the team, based on your preference:

  • Live Chat

    You can access Live Chat via the FAQ section on the website or your online account during our normal opening hours and chat to one of our customer services team instantly.

  • Email

    Send us an email at your convenience and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours with a response.

  • Call us

    If you’d rather talk to us then we’re just a phone call away. You can contact a member of our customers services team on 0208 080 6457 who can talk you through your options.

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Don't ignore the problem

Please don’t wait for things to get out of control. Contact your creditors early and make them aware of your situation.

  • Contact us and other creditors: Contact the companies you owe money to as soon as possible to find out what help’s available for you. We’ve created some easy ways for you to manage your loan if you’re having difficulty with your contractual repayments. Login to your online account where you’ll see the options available for you and find the tools to help you manage your repayment amounts.
  • Prioritise your debt: It's hard to know what to pay first but we believe you should pay priority bills first – so, concentrate on things like your mortgage and utility bills. Once you have these bills sorted then look at the other bills you must pay.
  • Who else can help: There’s also some good independent help available for free so it may be useful to contact third parties for some advice such as; 

    Money Advice Service
    Citizens Advice

    They may then liaise with us and your other creditors to provide you with the support you need.
Working with you