Loan Calculator
Thinking about taking out a personal loan to fund the life moments that matter? With our loan calculator, simply enter whatever loan amount and loan term you’re interested in and you can find out the total amount repayable including interest and how much your monthly repayments will be to start exploring your borrowing options. Finding out how much you’ll need to pay each month will help you determine the loan amount that’s right for you.
No commitment and, a credit search that won't leave a footprint to get a personalised quote.
${ loanTerm } monthly repayments of
£${ monthlyRepaymentAmount | formatCurrency }
Total repayable
£${ totalRepayableAmount | formatCurrency }
Representative example
Borrowing £2,000 over 24 months at Representative 19.9% APR and interest rate 19.9% p.a (fixed) with monthly repayments of £100.16 and a total amount payable of £2,403.84. This example is for illustration purposes only. The rate and term you are offered is dependent on your individual circumstance. Rates from 19.9% APR to maximum 34.9% APR. Loan terms for 12 – 60 months.
When consolidating your existing borrowing, you may extend the term of your debt and increase the total amount you repay.
What’s next?
The results of this borrowing calculator are only illustrative. If you want to check your eligibility, apply online and you’ll receive a personalised quote based on your own financial situation. That way you can submit your loan application knowing your loan eligibility in advance.

How do I apply?
When applying for one of our unsecured personal loans there are three simple steps to follow:

1. Tell us a bit about you

2. Get an instant response

3. Single monthly repayment date
Ready for your personalised quote?
${ loanTerm } monthly repayments of
£${ monthlyRepaymentAmount | formatCurrency }
Total repayable
£${ totalRepayableAmount | formatCurrency }